In the musura bay

The Turgut S Wreck at Sulina

Turgut S Wreck

The Turgut S wreck at Sulina is an unmatched tourist attraction—located in the middle of the waters at the outflow of the Danube into the Black Sea. In your explorations through the Danube Delta, near K Island, the Musura Bay offers a cinematic view of the Turgut S wreck. Grounded in 2009 under the Georgian flag, the mysterious rusted ship Turgut S is stationed at Sulina Bar, on a sandbank. It happened at the beginning of winter, following a severe storm, while the ship was heading towards the Ukrainian port of Ilyichevsk. The Turgut S ship measures 88.7 m in length, 12.8 m in width, and has a draft of 2.2 m (depth of water immersion).

Turgut S Wreck in Musura Bay, Danube Delta

The Turgut S wreck has a commanding presence, with rusted and color-streaked areas, and a capacity of 3000 tons. The vessel ran aground a few hundred meters from the New Lighthouse, north of K Island. The mystery of the abandoned cargo ship intensifies the beauty of K Island or the Island of Happiness, as it is also known. Access to the island is prohibited to protect the habitat of thousands of birds.

Emerging after 1980, K Island is Romania’s newest land, measuring 7 km in length, 80 m in width, and raised half a meter above the sea. Located 8 km from the town of Sulina, towards the north dike, K Island also fascinates as it continues to grow, with geographical measurements confirming that its area increases annually by 50-60 square meters.

Did you know?
  • The Turgut S Wreck weights 3000 tons
  • Grounded in 2009 in mysterious ways
  • The Turgut S ship measures 88.7 m in length, 12.8 m in width
k island danube delta
K island

K Island is a bird sanctuary in the Danube Delta, a paradise for dozens of species of European conservation interest and a unique breeding ground in Romania for two bird species: the Sandwich Tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis) and the Caspian Gull (Larus ichthyaetus). Dozens of other bird species find a nesting, resting, and feeding place on this island, offering an exceptional visual spectacle. Prepare your cameras or binoculars to observe the wonderful bird colonies: cormorants, pelicans, herons, grey herons, yellow-legged gulls, marsh harriers, spoonbills, glossy ibises, and oystercatchers.

The Turgut S wreck &
K Island

The Turgut S wreck is completely rusted and half-submerged, creating a perfect visual scene for the most beautiful travel photographs. For an authentic touch, the boat tour should be complemented by the stories of a skilled guide, for your distant visit to K Island and the Turgut S wreck.

turgut s wreck